OFFGRID w/ Regan Walker

We heard on the grapevine that given the current climate, social media and content consumption is up 35%, so obviously, we're jumping on the bandwagon and bringing you our latest series of interviews:

OFFGRID: Get to know those we post on our grid, off the grid, in 20 questions or less.

First up is Manchester's Regan Walker, no doubt you'll recognise him from our many reposts on ncl and hopefully you'll feel like you know him a little better after this!

  1. Tell us about yourself in 3 words:
    Confident, ambitious, caring

  2. When did you decide to start taking Instagram “seriously”
    Just over a year ago

  3. Has becoming an “influencer” significantly changed the way you live?
    The way my day to day life is, yeah but my priorities etc are the same

  4. When are you most inspired? Early in the mornings or late at night
    Mornings for sure

  5. Coffee or Tea? Think we already know the answer to this one…

  6. What is your favourite movie?
    The Lost Boys

  7. When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

  8. Would you ever live anywhere besides Manchester?
    New York is a must

  9. You’re going out for food, where do you eat and what are you eating?
    Italian food is my favourite and any seafood pasta is my go-to

  10. Current celebrity crush?
    Emma Stone / Dua Lipa

  11. Television show you’ve binged on recently?
    Tiger king! Madddd

  12. What city do you want to visit the most?
    Seoul, Korea

  13. What’s your favourite fashion piece in your wardrobe?
    Hard one but I’ll say my Balenciaga fleece

  14. Who’s your favourite “influencer” or content creator? You can have more than one if you want
    The Manchester lads of course! Nathan, Joe and Reece

  15. Name a fashion trend you would like to see disappear forever?
    Skinny jeans

  16. What’s your typical routine for a weekend served in isolation? (Given the Covid-19 situ)
    Overdose on caffeine, workout, play with my dog @hugo_theenglishbulldog, eat too much food and watch movies

  17. What’s your favourite brand right now?

  18. Favourite pair of shoes you own?
    Balenciaga Track

  19. Jewellery on guys? Yay or Nay? If yay, what’s your signature piece?
    Oh, Yay! Any of my rings

  20. Would you rather…Never have clean clothes ever again or have to scream twice a day but you can’t choose when
    Scream twice a day
